True meaning of Christmas

Posted by Dart_Leonhart on 5:13 PM

First, I want to say sorry because what I write now is about Christmas one of the biggest Catholic ceremony./Today I will try to become a god boy... :) yup, It's December already and we will celebrate  Christmas in this  sacred month. What I want to say is do we really know what the meaning of Christmas. I mean the True meaning of Christmas not just go to the church and join the mass and after that exchange gifts and also eating together..From what I see, sorry if it's wrong because it's just base on my experience. We especially Christian already forget about the true meaning from Christmas. Nowadays, what we do for Christmas is just go to the church after back from the church we say Merry Christmas  to others Christian friends and after that go home and have a party or maybe going holiday or something else but just fun..Sorry if I wrong. But, in reality that what I saw every year. So, what I want to ask is do we really know what is Christmas? it is just a holiday? or it's something special for us especially Christian. For me, the true essence of Christmas itself is where Christ is born for us. The King of Kings that come to this world for us..It's not just ordinary holiday for us Christian. It's a sacred day for us where our savior is born He leave all his perfectness and become a weak human like us....So, Christmas is not just a ordinary holiday don't spent it all with having fun. But, we must learn and realize that we as a human must help each other like what He did to us.



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