Just Be Yourself

Posted by Dart_Leonhart on 3:30 PM

Actually this topic is already famous, even really famous, right? you ctn find it on movies, books, and many more. But, still I think it's a good topic, because there are  many people don't act as their self out there. Like what I want to write today there are two guys from two very different story but they act same to attract others. Act as different person and not be their own style. the first one is :
here is the first person who become other people to get a girlfriend, who is this? yup, this is Aladdin one of disney  character and I believe all of you have already see the movie right...If you haven't see it you must see it although it's just a animation but it teach us a lot of things and one of it is "be yourself" Aladdin just a ordinary homeless drifter. but one day he meet a princess who ran out from his palace and falling in love with her. But, according to the law a princess should marry a prince, so Aladdin ask the Gennie from magic lamp to make him become a prince. But, at the end of the story Aladdin tell everything to the princess and they married. I think it teach us how important to become our self right.
The second one is :

This is from Indonesia novel name " 5 cm " it's about five buddies who swear that they will always together trough everything. Why I pick this novel for my second example? because, one of the " buddies " act like other just to make others sympathetic to him. he act like he love all his buddies like although he don't understand at all and one day, he felt guilty and confess everything to his buddies that he did that just to make others want to accept him join their group.

from this two person I just think that it's very important to be honest with our self. Others don't like that and if they know it maybe you will become lonely and all of your friends leave you...so, just be yourself okay.....



Comment by Καρινα on June 22, 2012 at 12:02 AM

Hi! Please can you send me your date of birth and native language for your English proficiency certificate. Sorry, I don't know another way to reach you. You can send to my phone if you have number or to karinabean77@gmail.com
Thanks, Ms Karina


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