Education means to educated someone or to help him/her from not understand until understand. Education is a process of learning that someone teach other not lecturing because it’s a process to both of them not just one. But, nowadays the true essence of educating and education has change. Students especially in Indonesia is force to study and just study from a thing called “text book”, they have to carry a lot of heavy books everyday at their bag. From morning to noon they have to study, study and study they can’t learn about the society and the the place where they are leaving because they already tired with their study based on the text books. What make scarier is after students get a lot of pressure from the school, they also get a lot of pressure at the house, parents force their children to join a lot of courses from math, chemical, and many more course with a simple reason, their children must get a top mark at school so they will be have a good future. But, who can prove it?
Base on the data 50% unemployed person have a bachelor degree with a good score and of course there is a reason to explain this situation. Students start from kindergarten always told that if you want to have a good future you must study hard, and be the best. Don’t think about other just do it for yourself, get a good score with everything you can, even cheat if you have to, and I can say that it’s true. Students will do everything to get a good score at school, because if they don’t, their parent will be angry and punish them and it really happen with my cousin. If he get a bad score his parent will punish him. So, he will do anything to get a good score. To help my argument I already did a small research about it. I collect a data from an elementary students from first grade until third grade and from 15 students which I asked 10 of them said that they will choose cheating to get a good score because their parent will give them a present.
From what my friend told me, I can make a conclusion that Indonesia learning method must be changed and to do that we can send a letter to the government and tell them about it. We also can tell the headmaster or a school principal about this issue, are they want to create a robot that only know about study or they want to create human with a heart. Also we can talk to parents about this education method. Are parents really realize it that with this kind of learning method they slowly make their child into an anti-social person and only know about how to live inside a book not live in the society.