Hello everybody, I will write my blog again today and maybe this post will be a little bit different with my other post. I will write about "Parents", two people man and woman who give us everything we want, right? If we don't have them we will never be like this, even right now maybe some of you will said that "I don't know my parents they leave me at orphanage . But, still without them you will never come to this world. So, whoever you are you must at least said "thank you" to you parents.
I will talk about what I feel about my parents right now. It's just a share, so I hope whoever read this post I hope you will not laugh after this. I live and stay in Indonesia. But, I stay in a different city with my parents because of my study and right now I stay at a dormitory and I already stay here for 4 years until now. At first, I think living without my parents is a freedom and yes it is. I can do whatever I can without hear my parents yelling at me especially my mother. I feel that I'm a bird that flew trough my golden cage at that moment, free at last. But, as the time flew and when I'm older, and also when one of my friend lend me a book name "Manusia Setengah Salmon" written by "Raditya Dika.
I start to thinking what he wrote on his book is absolutely correct. He wrote like this "I must think again about "stand alone"concept. It should be like this, along with our increasingly age, we don't want to be more stand alone from our parents. But, along with our increasingly age, we must closer to our parents". He added, " we can't always met our parents, the biggest possibility is our parents will leave this world first. Our parents will leave us alone. And if that already happen, we can't hear their annoying yell anymore".
I cry after I read this part and I thinking that is damn true, I will never hear their voice anymore if they already go first. And for the first time, I never feel this fear, I never feel this longing with my parents. I'm so afraid that they will go and leave me alone and the worst is I still can't make them proud and said "this is my son". They always called me. But, sometimes I ignore it and think that they are disturb me and "my activity" without realize how important my activity is, my parents is most important one. Believe me all of you who read this post, especially you who study abroad and live alone, you parents really loves you with everything they have. Their yelling is what we hate most. But, we never realize that yelling contains their big love for us.
You know guys. Now, I always think that I don't want in one moment, when my parents already gone, I will look at my phone and hope that they will call me again, just because I often ignore they call for me when they still alive. SO, for all of you who still have your parents, love them and make them proud with you. For those who already lost both their parents or still have one of them, pray for them who already leave you first and said that you always fine in here, someday you will also follow them, and take care what you still have now with all you can and all you have.
Actually, our parents "over protective" attitude is the best nuisance that we ever get, so don't waste it.
thank you very much to Raditya Dika, although you don't know me. But, you already taught me a very wonderful thing that I must realize in this short life.